Welcome to contribute

Why contribute?

As an open source product, Chatie thrives from contributions of community members. Whatever your skill set is, there is a lot you can do to help us make Chatie better! So start forking!

Not sure where to start?

It's a myth that writing code is the only way to contribute to open source. Chatie community is open to new ideas and there are so many different ways to make valuable contributions. We have some ideas of how you can get started!

1. Contribute Code

  • Check out GitHub issues with the tags good first issue, pull request welcome or help wanted

  • Write code examples for documentation

  • Report a bug and work on resolving it

  • Collaborate with others on building new features

Tips: If you want to add new features or change the API, please submit an issue first to make sure no one else is already working on the same thing and discuss the implementation and API details with maintainers and users by creating an issue. When everything is settled down, you can submit a pull request.

Make sure to add tests for your features and bugfixes and update the documentation (see below) before submitting your code!

2. Contribute Support

  • Fix typos in documentation

  • Translate documentation to your local language

  • Write tutorials and blog posts, see more: https://github.com/chatie/blog

  • Answer questions on the Wechaty Developers Home or Github issues

  • Organize Chatie meetups or user groups in your area

Contact rui@chatie.io to learn more

How Do I Become a Committer?

First of all you need to get involved and be a Contributor.

Based on your track-record as a contributor, one of our Maintainers or PMC members may invite you to be a committer (after we've called a vote). When that happens, if you accept, the following process kicks into place...

Note that becoming a committer is not just about submitting some patches; it‘s also about helping out on the development and user Discussion Forums, helping with documentation and the issues.

See Become a Committer.md for becoming a committer steps and more details.

Contributors List


Last updated